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April 4, 2021


Good afternoon beautiful Queens. Who is tired?! We are SEARCHING for energy at the bottom of our coffee cups today– one thing that ALWAYS motivates us is showing up for you Queens! Today’s blog required a lil’ extra research on our end. We have some V interesting info for y’all this afternoon pertaining to what we love to call “YouTube University.” We’ll start form the beginning.

QBI is still young, but our student counts are growing each quarter (yay)!!! Students come in with a variety of different knowledge levels and skillsets. However, one of the most common places students go to learn BEFORE considering getting their license– you guessed it! YouTube! YouTube has been a tool used in Secondary Education for a long while now. Still considered a Social Media Platform, YouTube lacks credibility. Regardless, the combination of audio visual information and casual informality makes it extremely accessible to young people. That, and the fact that it’s free, localized in 80 languages, and the second most visited site after So yeah, YouTube is extremely popular, but how effective is it in actually teaching students?

Due to the fact that YouTube is a Social Media Platform, it’s nearly impossible to justify its use as a primary educator for any student. Meaning, y’all can’t get all the professional knowledge you need from YouTube and YouTube alone. Neither can you get your Required Hours, nor your License. The most important word to describe YouTube at QBI is a SUPPLEMENT. By using YouTube as a supplement to our curriculum, we keep students engaged and stimulate deeper interest in the subjects we teach. Not every student is going to enjoy every chapter! YouTube can be extremely helpful in making those not-so-fun subjects more interesting, and easier to understand, with visuals and explanatory graphics. Due to the fact that most young people already see YouTube as a suitable learning tool, its utilization can act as a promising way to improve learning outcomes and increase learning in subjects.

With that being said, Queens. We want you to succeed, and this means not getting trapped in the rabbit hole of YouTube University before you even attend school. And it is TEMPTING! There are soooooo many instructional videos on YouTube for everything Cosmetology related. We don’t suggest you ignore them! We suggest… tread lightly! Don’t get ahead of yourself! One of the biggest qualms we have with YouTube University is how it often can glue a student to ONE way of doing things. We have multiple instructors for each course to show y’all how to find your OWN way of doing things. Don’t let YouTube lock you down!

Although we’re not HUGE fans of YouTube University at QBI, we trust y’all to use it wisely, and to not get yourself stuck. Use it in conjunction with your formal education (at Queen Beauty Institute)!! Hehe 😉 We can’t wait to see you!

Hang in there this week, Queens! We hope you find some joy today 🙂

Toodles <3

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