April 25, 2021
Cosmetology School & Business Education

Good afternoon lovely Queens. We hope you’re still shining on this cloudy day! We’ve had a really fun morning here at school; our Esthetics seniors presented their Salon Business Projects!!! Group A and Group B BOTH did incredible jobs, and our newer students got to sit in the audience to see what they’re in for once they become seniors. The reason we’re talking about this here with y’all is BECUZZZZZ we need you to pay attention to what your school offers in terms of BUSINESS EDUCATION!
Das right. Yes, you’re going to Cosmetology School to learn and perfect your craft, HOWEVER, you also need to understand how to succeed in your field, how to be a professional, how to plan for financial decisions, how to partner with others, and SO. MUCH. MORE. Even if you don’t plan to own a salon, you need to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of as an employee! Without this knowledge you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the salon business industry.
Our Esthetic students get broken up into teams–with their team they design a business and floor plan for their (imaginary) future salon. The students figure out exactly how much each “Partner” will contribute to the business, what their build-out will cost, what their rent and location will be, their target demographic, their employees’ pay rates, their salon services, their hours and availability, and even MORE! They have to think about and plan every aspect of their future salon, which takes a lot of research. This project is assigned toward the end of their time here at Queen Beauty Institute; it’s an accumulation of everything the students learn throughout their program. They use the knowledge they’ve obtained from their theory lessons, practical experience, communication, and business classes to create a presentation that they could potentially use to find investors for their plans.
After both groups finish presenting, we have our newer students ask questions and decide which business they would decide to invest in, given all the information provided. On top of that, both groups get questioned by the instructors present. The whole process educates our students on ALL that they have to consider when creating a business plan for a salon. This ish is HARD WORK! You don’t know until you try, Queens. This project gives our students just a taste of the effort required to start a business.
And the whole reason we’re going through all of this with you lovely Queens is to make sure you know how important it is to receive some business education at your Cosmetology School. Some schools out there will have y’all running around like chickens with their heads cut off after graduation. That’s exactly what we try to avoid at QBI! Pay attention to CURRICULUM BREAKDOWNS. If a school doesn’t have one on their website or social media, give them a call! It shouldn’t be a secret what your school will teach you. And if no one mentions business education as a part of the curriculum, there’s no shame in pressing the matter: “I haven’t noticed any business topics on the curriculum breakdown, do your students receive any training in that area?” You gotta ask all the right questions to create a plan that suits you, Queens!
Queen Beauty Institute makes business education FUN! For the salon project, each team is represented by an instructor. The audience and instructors vote on a winner, and winners get a prize! Obviously the incentives give the students a little extra motivation, but it also allows QBI to give a little something back to the seniors for all their hard work. We love to see our students really dive into their education!!
Congratulations to our Esthetics students today– y’all did an awesome job planning, presenting, and answering all the tough questions! We’d say you’re just about ready to flee the nest and fly away :,) We’ll miss you babes <3
Toodles, Queens <3
P.S. Here’s a link to a sneak peek vid about the project we’ve been rambling about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN6yhGG6bL8
Have a great week!
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